December 14, 2009


Trying to not make my way through all of my holiday favorites quite yet, but they are so hard to resist. Oh well, probably going to just have to watch them all twice this year.
Absolute favorite...
The prettiest little movie ever...

December 13, 2009



First snow of the season, and first time our hawaiians kitties have seen snow.

Aiden, very impressed...

Charlie, less impressed...

December 11, 2009


Chelsea Victoria Photography is making me more than a little bit excited for our Paris excursion on our Ireland trip. Maybe even excited enough to make some much needed reservations this weekend.

December 10, 2009


These are so freaking cute.
Perfect for wedding pictures. Engagement or Bachelorette party gift?
Darn you boring clear hanger...
There is always next time, just kidding evan.

December 08, 2009


I would love three or four of these lovely gentlemen framed on my wall.
Of course these unknowingly turned out to be from a Portland artist.

December 07, 2009


Looks like we won't freeze this winter. After a long day of moving wood in 20 degree weather, our woodshed has a semi-full belly. Think I broke some wood storage rules and put a couple loads on the front porch. Oh well, didn't I get married so I wouldn't have to move wood piles?
Aiden wasn't much help either.

December 05, 2009


Off to work, wish I was out celebrating with my Bubba! Happy birthday, Love you! Last weekend will have to count...

December 03, 2009


The collections on Polyvore are so cute. I love browsing through them for ideas, but so many feature crazy expensive items. Here are a couple of collections with items the average person could actually afford.
The dress in the collection above is from the UK, but would totally be worth the extra shipping cost.

Oh forever21, guilty pleasure. Black cat shirt from this collection is only 11 bucks!

In this one? Floral skirt for 15 bucks. Okay, low census from work does not mean spending the money I didn't make.

December 01, 2009


It's December!
My husband finishes in the Navy and moves back to me this month!
Less this...
16 days!